Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I think I really have got my groove back

I had a massive loss of 2.2kg this week. Very proud of myslef. It's so simple.
Basically, you follow the program and you're pretty much guaranteed to lose weight. I know it in my head but for some reason, I don't do it. And then when I do the right thing I get results. Well now I am ready to stick to the program for good.

After we got back from holidays I realised that if I wanted to be able to fit into my wedding dress, it was time to get serious and lose that last 15 kilos. Have been sticking to points, changed up my exercise routine and even managed to have hungry jacks on the weekend and still count it in my points.

Very pleased with myself. However, last night when it was raining I wanted to ride my exercise bike and found out that the cord is broken. So now I can't use it until I either try and get it fixed or buy a new cord. Would have liked to have gotten out and ridden my real push bike, but it was stormy and rainy, so that wasn't going to happen.

Oh well. We have decided on a wedding venue, but I won't post the location because it will spoil the surprise. Next job, finding a photographer.

It is so hot here at the moment. I wish it would storm every night and rain and fill up our tanks and water our garden. Josh is going to do yard work this weekend and I'm going to the last scrapbooking for the year. Have lots of great holiday snaps that I haven't done yet. Wedding ones too.

Sunday will be relaxing and catching up on housework. Doesn't matter how often I do it, It still seems to be dirty. Oh well, I guess that's old homes for you. Can't wait until we have a shiny new home to live in.

Listen to me, jabbering about the weekend when it's only Wednesday. Back to it, I guess...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back to reality

Well, it is official. Holidays are over and it's back to reality. Second day back at work and was too busy yesterday to catch up. Had WW last night and only managed to gain 800 grams over my holidays. Which is a pretty good effort really considering I ate whatever I wanted and was really, really bad!

It's helped me get back into it though and I am so determined to lose these last 15 kilos. First aim is to get under 90kg. My motivation at the moment is seeing wedding pictures from a girl I went to school with and she was quite overweight in the pictures and I felt a bit sorry for her, because she hadn't been given the opportunity to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. I also have to be able to wear a bikini when we go on our honeymoon which is a cruise.

So have gone back to basics and am tracking, weighing and measuring for my life at the moment. Eating lots of fruit and drinking lots of water. Also getting back into the exercise. Going to try out water aerobics on Thursday night, so that should be interesting. Some of the ladies from my meeting have been going and are saying that they love it.

Wedding plans are still not finalised. I have narrowed the choice of venue down to three on the Sunshine Coast, but now we need to make a trip down there and check them out and meet with the coordinators. Fun! With Josh working most weekends and long hours up until Christmas it's gonna be difficult but hopefully it will all work out.

I'll post some holiday happy snaps, when I get a chance.