Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bad Attitude

Do you ever have those days when you should have just stayed in bed?
Well, turns out I'm having a week of them. Nothing is going right this week. So I thought, what better way to get my thoughts out there than to put them on my blog, which I'm sad to say has been somewhat neglected lately.

After looking at my last post, I have realised that since then I haven't really done anything special. I have been hovering around the same weight since that loss and haven't really got my head in the right space. I'm still trying but I'm really not trying hard enough. I know it in my head but I have to get my head and my body to cooperate.

Christmas is coming which makes it all the more difficult. Not even the fear of fitting into a wedding dress next year is enough to make me get out there and do it. I guess one day I will get there but until that time, well I'll just have to plod along and keep doing what I'm doing.

Hopefully, the next time I post, I will be somewhat more happier and have gotten rid of this bad attitude...